Streamlining the Onboarding Process: How SOS Supports Your Centre

At Save Our Service (SOS), we understand the urgent need for casual educators to be onboarded, inducted and working in our clients’ services as soon as possible! This is why we have implemented a streamlined onboarding process to make this as easy as possible, while still providing high quality educators and care for our client’s centres.

So, without further ado, here is how SOS is streamlining the onboarding process:

Personalised Inductions

    Through our EntireOn Hire platform, you can upload your centre’s induction and policies. This ensures all educators have access to the necessary information and can complete required induction prior to working at your centre.

    Rigorous Pre-screening

    Our recruitment team conducts thorough pre-screening of all educators, including background checks and ensuring they have the right experience, qualifications, and documentation (such as their Working with Children’s Check, or Blue Card). This rigorous process helps centres identify the most suitable candidates and ensures the safety and well-being of children in the care of your centre.

    Professional Development and Training

    All SOS educators have access to our Learning Management System (LMS), where they can access modules for various professional development and training courses. We encourage all educators to complete the modules before their first shift at any centre. Our clients can also let us know if they would like their casual educators to complete any certain module prior to working in their centre. Our training includes topics such as Meal Time, and Supervision.

    Dedicated Account Manager

    Each centre that signs up with SOS is allocated a dedicated Business Account Manager (BAM). Your BAM will be your point of contact, ensuring that our educators have been properly inducted into your centre, and ready to take on their shift. They also become the person that you provide any feedback to. The Account Managers also provide ongoing support and guidance throughout the onboarding process.

    By partnering with Save Our Service, your trustworthy childcare recruitment agency, you can have the peace of mind that all educators working in your centre have been properly onboarded, and have the right qualifications, and documents to start working in your centre.